Most popular songs:

Ave Maria - There are several versions of this beautiful setting of “Hail Mary”, and the most popular settings for solo voice are the ones by Schubert, and Gounod.

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Con Te Partiro - Otherwise known as “Time to say goodbye”, sung either in English or Italian, this song is also very popular for weddings and funerals.

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Ombra Mai Fu - This classical piece by Handel is also known as “Handel’s Largo” , and the beauty of the lilting string accompaniment to a plaintive melody, coupled with the words, have brought peace and comfort to listeners since it was written in the 18th Century.

”The shade of these woods creates a peace and beauty like no other”.

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Other popular song choices:

We will sing any songs of your choice, so please just let us know what you’d like us to sing, and we will perform it for you.